jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

The Rastafari movement.

The Rastafari movement is a religious movement that believes that Haile Selassie I is the third incarnation of Jah, abbreviation of Yahweh, after Melchizedek and Jesus. Emerged in the early 1930 in the slums of Kingston, Jamaica and adjacent rural areas, being the social and cultural vision of Marcus Garvey inspired the Rastafarians, who even consider him a reincarnation of John the Baptist. and attributed a messianic character Selassie. Remarkable is the great desire of his descendants of black slaves back to Africa, the social and cultural aspirations of the black community and organizer of the teachings of Marcus Garvey was born in Jamaica who cried "Africa for Africans". The end of Selassie was to live feeling the love that only the human is to feel so priviledged great feeling, to go along a path straight and true, always with kindness, brotherhood, really. As Haile Selassie said "
Today the movement has spread throughout much of the world and has fans from different cultures, languages ​​and nations.

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